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The Law Down Under Podcast
The Law Down Under Podcast with Barrister Chris Patterson, where we give you insights into the law in New Zealand and Australia, its application and future. Each episode features a new guest who will stimulate your interest in the law and give you a greater understanding of the legal issues that help shape our justice system. We thank you for tuning in and enjoy the podcast.

Thursday Dec 08, 2022
E22 Access to Civil Justice - With Dr Bridgette Toy-Cronin
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
Thursday Dec 08, 2022
On today’s episode of the Law Down Under Podcast, we interview Dr Bridgette Toy-Cronin, an expert in the legal profession, civil procedure and access to justice. She is passionate about improving access to the civil justice system, and researches issues pertaining to litigants, dispute resolution design, and socio-legal methods for civil justice research. Bridgette has a Master of Laws from Harvard Law School, and is a Senior Lecturer at Otago University, where she teaches undergraduate programmes in The Legal System, as well as Lawyers, Clients and the Profession. She is also the Director of the Civil Justice Centre and a Co-Director of the Otago Centre for Law and Society. We talk to Bridgette about supporting people to access the justice system, as well as the future of dispute resolution processes and spaces. I hope you enjoy this episode with Dr Bridgette Toy-Cronin.

Friday Nov 04, 2022
E21 Body Image Law - With Dr Marilyn Bromberg
Friday Nov 04, 2022
Friday Nov 04, 2022
On today’s episode of the Law Down Under podcast, we interview Dr Marilyn Bromberg, Director Higher Degrees (Coursework) at the University of Western Australia Law School. Marilyn has a PhD from Murdoch University and is an expert on health law, social media, and body image law. She has previously spoken on many noteworthy institutions such as Harvard University and the Supreme Court of Canada, and in 2017 received Blackstone Society’s Teacher of the Year Award. Today we dive into the topic of body image law and the approaches being taken to body image issues Down Under and throughout the world. We also consider what further reform needs to take place and how we as individuals can help those suffering from body image issues. I hope you enjoy this episode with Dr Marilyn Bromberg.

Monday Oct 31, 2022
Monday Oct 31, 2022
On today’s episode of the Law Down Under Podcast, we interview Dr Marco Rizzi, an expert in health law, therapeutic goods and medical devices. Marco is Associate Professor and Deputy Head of the University of Western Australia Law School, where he teaches Torts, Health Law and Policy, and Risk Regulation. He has a PhD, and Master’s Degrees in Civil and Comparative Law from the European University Institute and the University of Pisa. We discuss Marco’s career before diving into the regulation of therapeutic goods and medical devices in Australia. We consider how the Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) – Australia’s main regulatory authority – performs its role in approving and regulating therapeutic goods and medical devices. We also consider the mass litigation surrounding some of these products. I hope you enjoy this episode with Dr Marco Rizzi.

Friday Sep 09, 2022
E19 Modern Slavery - With Dr Martijn Boersma
Friday Sep 09, 2022
Friday Sep 09, 2022
On today’s episode of the Law Down Under Podcast, we interview Dr Martijn Boersma, an expert on modern slavery. Martijn has a PhD in Management from the University of Technology Sydney and Master’s Degrees in Science and Arts from the University of Amsterdam. He currently works as an Associate Professor at the University of Notre Dame. We discuss Martijn’s current research and the postgraduate programs he teaches on modern slavery and human trafficking. We also examine efforts to combat modern slavery and consider what future reform in this area might look like. I hope you enjoy this episode with Dr Martijn Boersma.

Friday Aug 19, 2022
E18 Social Enterprises, Impact Investing, and Podcasting - With Steven Moe
Friday Aug 19, 2022
Friday Aug 19, 2022
On today’s episode of The Law Down Under Podcast, we interview Steven Moe, a partner at Parry Field Lawyers. Steven is a commercial law expert and is passionate about empowering impact. He is the host and founder of the Seeds Podcast and a creator of the Impact Unconference. We talk with Steven about his specialty areas of law and consider how enterprises and investors are bringing about positive change. We then discuss the Impact Unconference and his experiences in podcasting. I hope you enjoy this episode with Steven Moe.

Monday Aug 08, 2022
E17 Corporate Insolvency - With Hon Paul Heath QC
Monday Aug 08, 2022
Monday Aug 08, 2022
On today’s episode of The Law Down Under Podcast, we interview the Honourable Paul Heath QC, who specialises in insolvency law. Paul was appointed a Queen’s Counsel in 1998. He has served as a Law Commissioner as well as a New Zealand High Court Judge for 16 years. He is currently a member of Bankside Chambers in Auckland and Singapore. He is also an Associate at South Square in London, where he practises as an arbitrator and mediator in domestic and international disputes. We discuss Paul’s expansive career before delving into his specialist area of insolvency law, focusing particularly on cross-border insolvency. We review some of the mechanics of corporate insolvency and conclude by evaluating New Zealand’s approach to cross-border insolvency. I hope you enjoy this episode with Paul Heath QC.

Friday Jul 22, 2022
E16 Justice and Legal Apps - With Profs Bin Li and Tania Sourdin
Friday Jul 22, 2022
Friday Jul 22, 2022
On today's episode of the Law Down Under Podcast, we interview Profs Bin Li and Tania Sourdin from the University of Newcastle Law School. Prof Li is an expert on all things law and technology, working to shed light on how new technologies are used within the justice sector and how they impact dispute resolution processes. Prof Sourdin is the Dean and Head of Law School, and has had an extensive career focusing on justice, litigation, conflict avoidance and dispute resolution. In this episode, we discuss how these interests were sparked and the sort of technology that is being introduced into the justice sector. We take a look at justice apps and what they really offer for the legal industry, for self-represented litigants and legal education, as well as what their limitations may be. Finally, we discuss where Profs Li and Sourdin see the future of digital technology use in the justice sector going. This is an unmissable episode for all those interested in the role technology plays in the justice system. I hope you enjoy this episode with Profs Bin Li and Tania Sourdin.

Friday Jul 15, 2022
E15 International Cultural Heritage Law - With Lucas Lixinski
Friday Jul 15, 2022
Friday Jul 15, 2022
In today’s episode of The Law Down Under Podcast, we interview Dr Lucas Lixinski, a Professor at the Faculty of Law and Justice at the University of New South Wales, Sydney. Lucas is a highly qualified international law expert, focusing his work on international cultural heritage law and international human rights law. In this episode, we discuss the role of cultural heritage law in protecting cultural identity in times of transition. We discuss some international organisations which exist to protect and promote cultural heritage. Lucas has recently published book “Legalised Identities” which comprehensively covers this area of law and contains several outtakes that are relevant to both the Australian and New Zealand contexts. We discuss the ANZAC corpses as heritage and events like the sinking of the Rainbow Warrior and the importance of underwater heritage. We end the podcast by discussing the idea of cultural heritage as pragmatism. This is must listen to episode for anyone interested in international cultural heritage law and its application here Down Under. I hope you enjoy this episode with Dr Lucas Lixinski.

Friday Jul 08, 2022
E14 Aboriginal Input into Constitutional Reform - With Prof Megan Davis
Friday Jul 08, 2022
Friday Jul 08, 2022
On today’s episode of The Law Down Under Podcast, we interview Professor Megan Davis. Professor Davis is the Pro Vice-Chancellor Indigenous at the University of New South Wales, Sydney and is a renowned constitutional lawyer and public law expert. She works nationally and internationally as an advocate for indigenous rights. As the five year anniversary of The Uluru Statement of the Heart approaches, we discuss the significance of the statement, as well as Megan’s substantial involvement as the person to give the first public reading. We also discuss the relevance and implications of the High Court’s decision in Mabo. This is a must-listen episode to hear from an expert in this area of the law and on what Australia’s constitutional reforms may include. I hope you enjoy this episode with Professor Megan Davis.

Friday Jun 17, 2022
E13 Law of the Sea - With Dr Natalie Klein
Friday Jun 17, 2022
Friday Jun 17, 2022
On today’s episode of The Law Down Under Podcast, we interview a Law of the Sea (including Human Rights at Sea) expert, Dr Natalie Klein. Dr Klein is a professor at UNSW, Sydney, where she teaches and researches in areas of international law, in particular the law of the sea and international dispute settlement. We discuss what drew Natalie to this area of the law, as well as what the law of the sea generally encompasses and its impact on Australia and New Zealand. Further discussed is maritime security, including the most pressing threats, law enforcement and options for legal reform. Natalie provides insight into the area of Human Rights at Sea and the possible impact of the Geneva Declaration for Human Rights at Sea which is currently undergoing public consultation. We also discuss the law of sharks which is the topic of a book she co-authored. This is an unmissable episode for all those interested in the law of the sea. I hope you enjoy this episode with Dr Natalie Klein.